Today’s news of the promising treatment for early stage Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in the form of the monoclonal antibody. lecanemab was cheering news. Heralded in the medical press and the mainstream news as a potential breakthrough in this, until now, untreatable disease, it is hoped that it will clear future regulatory and pricing hurdles and be available to offer hope to those diagnosed with early AD.
Here at Bath Translations we’ve been proud to be involved in providing language and translation support for this ground-breaking treatment. Developed through a strategic research alliance between Biogen (US) and Eisei (Japan), this drug met the primary endpoint goal in a large multi country clinical trial. Subjects showed a marked slow down in their mild cognitive impairment scores measure using a battery of standard CI tests known as CDR These tests are used to quantify the severity of dementia symptoms. People living with AD and their caregivers as well as HCPS were also interviewed to determine how the participants were performing on this new treatment.
Results from the CDR-SB tests showed that the drug reduced clinical decline at 18 months by 27% compared to the group taking the placebo drug.
The drug is already under Priority Review by the FDA in the US and is under review by the PDMA in Japan. The aim is to obtain early approval for lecdnemab for treatment of people with early AD.
#lecanemab, #ClarityAD #Biogen #EIsei #Alzheimers #earlyalzheimers