Language Consultancy

Language Consultancy for Life Science Industries


Language ConsultancyMany companies are surprised at how complex moving into an overseas market can be. It’s not just the logistics and the technical side of expansion you have to think about; you also have to decide how to internationalise your products and services. Doing this involves translating documents, web pages, business cards, software, help functions, and so on. You also have to work out how to handle the cultural aspect of your expansion.

We are able to save companies time and money by advising them on which documents to translate into other languages and how to restructure their existing content.

We also help companies convert their web content into the target language(s), using a process called localisation.

We provide both in-house and remote support with the following:

  • Development, structuring and management of multilingual projects
  • Preparation and optimisation of content to be localised
  • Multilingual digital marketing
  • Management of multilingual terminology

Contact Us for more details

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