I have had a busy, varied and stressful summer but I have managed some fun along the way. Here’s a picture of me and some friends at the end of a challenging river swim. I am the one crouching down (in pain no doubt).
This year in July saw me taking a much needed break on the south cost to take part in the iconic Bantham Swoosh, an organised Charity 6km swim down the river Avon in Devon.
I had done this before but not after a wild summer storm. None of the swimmers had anticipated the amount of sand in suspension in the river, driven there by wild seas the previous day. 
Getting a chaffed neck as your wetsuit rubs against your neck when there is a 2 hour swim to complete is no fun. So I had applied enough quality lubricant to shame a porn star but I still swam the final hour with excruciating neck chaffing. This seriously impacted my timings and I came at a slower then expected time. 
My conclusion is that the manufacturer may need to tweak their directions for use so that they account for more challenging conditions. I guess they need feedback from users and so I will be contacting them. I hope that they can alter their suggested usage directions to encourage us to use more in salty water. 
This goes to show that attention to detail is crucial for all directions for use. As a translator I am well aware that patient information leaflets require a detailed and experienced writer and translator to ensure user safety.