by Julia Tuff | Sep 18, 2017 | Professionalism
We are attending a linguistic industry training event this week. From Thursday to Monday the office will be operating with a skeleton staff as the team is heading to York for an industry conference. IJET York is the 26th specialist Japanese translator and interpreter...
by Julia Tuff | Sep 18, 2017 | Ebola, Infectious diseases, Translation Services
As life-science specialists we are exposed to a lot of suffering in the documents that we translate. Fatalities are often mentioned in journal reports on chemotherapy treatment, severe adverse reactions to antibiotics in the young and old and also upsetting details...
by Julia Tuff | Sep 18, 2017 | Sociolinguistics
明日 来年 昨日 現在形 未来会 過去形 The Japanese language clearly demonstrates how language affects attitudes. The distinction between present and future tense is a little blurry in Japanese. English phrases like “will” or “be going to,” which indicate the... by Julia Tuff | Sep 18, 2017 | Translation Services
There are many UK and EU businesses that are already exporting overseas. Many of them have established markets but still need to expand their client base. There are also numerous European businesses that are looking to expand their client base overseas. There is no...
by Julia Tuff | Sep 18, 2017 | Professionalism
The new year often sees us making a handful of resolutions such as ‘giving up chocolate,’ or’ joining a gym’. I must say that I am already an avid gym-attendee. However, I know from bitter experience that the hardest thing about exercising is actually getting out of...