Navigating the languages of the world

I             MAP OF THE WORLD LANGUAGES Mapa_Lenguas_del_Mundo.png under GFDL created by es:Usuario:Industrius using Image:BlankMap-World.png made by User:Vardion, CC BY-SA 3.0, The Earth is home to a huge and...
How to avoid being lost in translation

How to avoid being lost in translation

Globalisation is here to stay and most companies nowadays are looking to expand even further into international markets. To do this successfully a company needs access to reliable language services such as translation services and professional interpreting services....

Why Industry Training is Important

We are attending a linguistic industry training event this week. From Thursday to Monday the office will be operating with a skeleton staff as the team is heading to York for an industry conference. IJET York is the 26th specialist Japanese translator and interpreter...

Audio Transcription and Voiceover

There are many UK and EU businesses that are already exporting overseas. Many of them have established markets but still need to expand their client base. There are also numerous European businesses that are looking to expand their client base overseas. There is no...