by Julia Tuff | Apr 25, 2019 | Uncategorized
Laughing matter: how to translate jokes Heard the one about the translator who walked into a bar? OK, maybe not, but how you’d translate the joke into another language would depend on the punchline. Does it play on words or offer a sly nod to a cultural reference... by Julia Tuff | Mar 21, 2019 | Sociolinguistics
I MAP OF THE WORLD LANGUAGES Mapa_Lenguas_del_Mundo.png under GFDL created by es:Usuario:Industrius using Image:BlankMap-World.png made by User:Vardion, CC BY-SA 3.0, The Earth is home to a huge and... by Julia Tuff | Jan 28, 2019 | Translation Services
Instead of performing a word-for-word translation, website localisation focuses on the specific country’s conventions, cultural differences and even the right website design to suit the target market’s preferences. Simply put, this strategy has the capacity to boost...
by Julia Tuff | Nov 13, 2018 | Professional Interpreting, Translation Services
If your business needs to expand further into the global market, establishing seamless communication between your company and your clients or audience is of very high importance. One way of keeping both parties on the same page is by utilising a professional...